Zoning Bylaw FAQ

Nested Applications


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What is a Zoning Bylaw?

Section 34 of the Province of Ontario's Planning Act gives the City the authority to implement land use controls through Zoning Bylaws. A Zoning Bylaw is used to implement the policies in the Official Plan. As a legal bylaw document that is adopted by City Council, a Zoning Bylaw divides lands in the City into specific areas or 'zones' that are shown on a series of maps. These zones contain a list of land uses that are permitted in that zone and provide regulations on, among other matters, lot size, development standards, setbacks from lot lines, building heights and building size. The Zoning Bylaw also contains general provisions that apply to all zones. Typically, the general provisions contain standards for accessory buildings such as garages, parking requirements and buildings in areas that are close to such hazards as railway tracks or flood plain areas.

Does Kingston have a Zoning Bylaw now?

There are currently five main Zoning Bylaws as a result of the January 1, 1998 amalgamation between the city of Kingston and the townships of Kingston and Pittsburgh:

  • City of Kingston Zoning Bylaw
  • City of Kingston Downtown and Harbour Zoning Bylaw
  • City of Kingston Cataraqui North Zoning Bylaw
  • Kingston Township Zoning Bylaw
  • Township of Pittsburgh Zoning Bylaw

Which Zoning Bylaw affects my property?

The location of your property will determine which of these Zoning Bylaws apply. These Zoning Bylaws will remain in effect until an updated Zoning Bylaw for the entire City is adopted by City Council. The existing Zoning Bylaws will then be repealed and will no longer be in effect.

Creating a new Zoning Bylaw for the entire City is part of the municipality's move towards updated planning documents.