Government Responsibilities

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Levels of government and responsibilities

Below is a listing of the three levels of government and the areas of responsibility that fall under each. In some cases, more than one government can be involved in delivering services in an area of responsibility.  

Not sure which government deals with your question/concern? Call 2-1-1 for help.

City of Kingston - Municipal Government

This is level of government is responsible for matters with a local community focus like libraries, parks, community water systems, garbage removal, local police and fire services, recycling, transit and parking. The City receives authority to develop and deliver these programs and services from the Province of Ontario.

Call 613-546-0000 or

The City's municipal government is responsible for:

  • administering local government
  • airport
  • building and maintain local roadways, streets and sidewalks
  • City facilities
  • cultural services
  • fire and emergency services
  • garbage and recycling collection
  • housing and social services
  • local sewer, stormwater and wastewater infrastructure
  • municipal elections – election of Mayor and District councillors
  • parking
  • parks and recreation
  • planning, building and licensing
  • property taxes
  • Rideaucrest long-term care facility

These local municipal bodies operate at arm's length from the City:

Province of Ontario - Provincial Government

This level of government, based at Queen's Park in Toronto, is responsible for matters with a provincial focus like education, health care, some natural resources, agriculture, highways and road regulations. There are also areas where the province and the federal government fund programs jointly, including infrastructure investment, affordable housing, environment and climate change initiatives.

Call 2-1-1, review the Service Ontario website for services (i.e. health card, passports, birth certificates, driver's licences, etc.) or visit the provincial government's website.

The provincial government is responsible for these ministries:

Parliament of Canada - Federal Government

This level of government, based at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, is responsible for matters that affect or impact all of Canada, including national security, immigration, taxes, foreign policy and national climate change and environmental initiatives.

Call 1-800-622-6232 or visit the federal government's contact page.

The federal government is responsible for these ministries:


Contact - General - Clerks