Napier Street Closure

Nested Applications

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As of mid-April 2019, Napier Street between Brock and Mack is permanently closed to cars and trucks. Pedestrians and cyclists will continue to have access. This land will be home to a new parkette. Construction of  this green space slated to get underway in late 2019. Learn more about this planned park.

Staff are proceeding with the closure and transfer of a portion of Napier Street to create a driveway entrance for 244 Mack Street, pursuant to the conditions listed in the approved Council motion.

  • Report Number 19-057 - Stop Up and Close and Declare Surplus a Portion of Napier Street,  and Rename Napier Street to Napier Street North and Napier Street South.

Project History – Understanding the process and the space

In 2016, under the direction of Council, City staff began to examine the implications of closing Napier Street between Brock and Mack so this space could be redeveloped to include public parkland, affordable housing and/or private market housing.

The portion of Napier Street runs between Churchill Park and 671 Brock St., a former school property. Learn more about this property's history, and public consultations that were held about its future.

Responding to the Council motion from Nov. 1, 2016, staff reported back with options in a July 11, 2017 Council report.

Staff reviewed options ranging from status quo to various permanent closure options of Napier Street between Brock and Mack.

Possible options include:

  1. Continue with existing road as is;
  2. Close the entire subject section and providing an easement or selling the land to the owner of 244 Mack Street to retain access to the private driveway;
  3. Retain the roadway pavement from Mack Street to approximately halfway between Mack Street and Brock Street where a cul-de-sac will be constructed.

At the Nov. 1 Council meeting there was a motion to close Napier Street between Brock and Mack. It read, as follows:

Whereas Williamsville District currently has the lowest parkland per capita ratio in Kingston; and

Whereas even with the acquisition of 671 Brock Street the local residents remain concerned about having adequate greenspace at that location; and

Whereas Churchill Park, adjacent across Napier Street from 671 Brock Street, is primarily occupied by permanent natural fixtures with no open space for ball games and other play areas for children; and

Whereas the proposed housing developments on 671 Brock Street would need adequate parking; and

Whereas the current use of the block of Napier Street in Mack Street and Brock Street is that of a secondary road with low traffic volume;

Therefore Be It Resolved That staff examine the implications to traffic and local residents on closing that one block of Napier Street to motor vehicle traffic only, and report back, in Q1 2017, with options that would increase the amount of parkland space, as well as parking space for potential housing nearby.

On July 11, 2017, Council endorsed the following motion:

That Council approve the closure of Napier Street and the transfer of a portion of Napier Street in order to create a driveway entrance for 244 Mack Street it being understood that:

  • a portion of the existing Napier Street right-of-way will be added to the adjacent property located at 244 Mack Street, a width of six to nine metres, to extend the southerly limit of the subject property;
  • the southern portion of Napier Street will be closed and the asphalt will remain in place;
  • access to the unopened street will be blocked with bollards; and
  • approximate cost to transfer a portion of Napier Street to the owners at 244 Mack Street for a driveway entrance is $60,000 – $80,000.

Project News

Asset Publisher

The City of Kingston wants input on plans for the new park at the former Napier Street and St. Joseph/St. Mary school site. "This is an opportunit ...
A public consultation session will look at the implications of closing Napier Street, between Brock and Mack. "Late last year, council asked City ...
A public session will look at proposed options for Napier Street, between Brock and Mack. "Late last year, council asked City staff to examine the ...

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