Employment Assistance

Nested Applications


Content - Residents - Community Services - OW Employment

The topics below offer job seekers resources and guidance to help them find work.

Financial assistance may be available for some employment related costs. For more information on any of the following call 613-546-2695 and ask to speak to your case manager.

Job Search Resources

Your case manager can assist you with the following supports:

  • On-site assessor for skills upgrading and education;
  • Employment Readiness screening to assist in employment goal setting

Your case manager can also refer you to many off-site resources such as an employment resource centre to update and create resumes and apply for jobs.

Job-finding hints

Eight helpful hints to find employment:

  1. Keep your resume updated.
  2. Watch job postings regularly.
  3. Talk to other job seekers.
  4. Network with employers, family, friends, and business associates.
  5. Stay with it and stay positive.
  6. Volunteer.
  7. Check out a job finding club.
  8. Keep track of your job search and follow up with a phone call to the employer.

Education and Training

Ontario Works participants can upgrade their education and get  job specific skills training with one or more of these four approaches:

  1. Completing your Grade 12 diploma or equivalency
  2. Improving language skills
  3. Upgrading reading, math, and writing skills
  4. Training required for certain jobs such as basic computer skills and typing.

Self employment

Applicants or participants are able, where approved by a case manager, to pursue self employment activities as a means of achieving self-reliance. To learn more about this option, please contact your case manager.

Learning, Earning and Parenting Program

LEAP is mandatory for 16 and 17-year-old parents receiving Ontario Works who have not completed high school. Single parents and couples up to age 25 who receive Ontario Works and have not completed high school may volunteer to participate also be eligible.

Program goals:

  • Identifies and addresses barriers to school attendance and academic success;
  • Promotes high school graduation;
  • Identifies opportunities to develop employment skills and become job-ready;
  • Promotes participation in school, co-op programs, and other work programs;
  • Promotes children's growth and development by supporting parents to become more effective caregivers and educators;
  • Focuses on parenting needs and circumstance of the individual participant;
  • Provides a full range of parenting activities.