Barriefield HCD FAQ's

Nested Applications

Content - Res - Heritage Conservation - Barriefield - FAQ

The following are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Village of Barriefield Heritage Conservation District Plan update.

What is a Heritage Conservation District?

It is an area of special character that has a distinct "sense of place". The heritage resources within a Heritage Conservation District include buildings, structures, cultural landscapes, and sites of archaeological potential. The Ontario Heritage Act is Provincial legislation that allows designation of a district and the protection of an area's "heritage character".

What are the required changes being proposed to the Barriefield Heritage Conservation District Plan?

The Village of Barriefield was designated as a Heritage Conservation District in 1980, and the related Heritage Conservation District Plan was last updated in 1992. In order to meet the current provincial requirements, the District Plan will need to include:

  • A statement of cultural heritage value for the District as a whole and for the individual properties;
  • A set of design guidelines for alterations,  additions, and new development within the District; and
  • A list of minor alterations that do not require a heritage permit.

How will these changes affect owners and tenants?

The new statement of cultural heritage value for each property not only provides the owners with a brief history of the building but also outlines how that building contributes to the District and makes it a special place. 

The new guidelines will provide direction for owners, staff and Council when alterations are being proposed.  This will ensure that alterations are appropriate for, and maintain the character of the District.  The list of minor alterations will tell owners which alterations require a heritage permit and which do not. 

The new guidelines will also provide direction related to infill development, potential vacant land development, public works projects, accessibility, and green energy.

Does the new Plan require an owner to restore their property to a high standard?

The expectation for restoration and maintenance of the property is the same for property owners in the District as it is for any property owner.

Will the process for getting my Heritage Permit change?

The basic process will likely not change, however the requirements for permits (what is minor and what is not) and the guidelines by which applications are evaluated will be updated and outlined in the new District Plan.

Will the new District Plan prevent change/development?

A Heritage Conservation District Plan does not affect the permitted (zoned) uses of the property nor does it prohibit the development or alteration of a property, but approval by Council is required for certain alterations. A district designation does not necessarily prevent changes in permitted use (such as rezoning).

How will the new District Plan affect development on vacant properties?

The new District Plan will outline the cultural heritage value of the District, including each property and list those elements that define its heritage character (known as "heritage attributes"). Development that takes place on or adjacent to the District must consider these attributes when designing their development projects. A Heritage Impact Statement, prepared by a qualified heritage professional, would be required in order to assess the impacts of the development on the heritage attributes and the character of the District, and must recommend ways to mitigate those impacts.

How will the new District Plan address accessibility and engineering requirements for roads?

The new District Plan will outline the cultural heritage value of the district, including key streetscapes and landscape design elements that help to define the heritage character. Improvements to roads within the District, for example, must consider and weigh these elements against safety, accessibility, drainage and other factors when designing their projects. Consultation with City heritage staff and/or the Municipal Heritage Committee may be required.

What are the next steps, and how do I get involved?

On behalf of the City of Kingston, MHBC Planning has prepared an Issues Analysis Report, which reviewed the current Heritage Conservation District Plan and outlines the comments received from the public open houses in May and June 2014.

Following comments received last fall regarding the first draft of the new Village of Barriefield Heritage Conservation District Plan, the 2nd Draft of the District plan is now available for review.

If you have questions or wish to provide comments you can contact Ryan Leary, Senior Heritage Planner, at 613-546-4291 ext. 3233 or Comments will be received until Monday, Nov.16, 2015.