Paige's Community Connections Blog

Paige's Community Connections Blog

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Blogs (Paige's Planning Blog)

Recently, the City announced it was making organizational changes to ensure its corporate structure is well-positioned to help Kingston recover – and, eventually, thrive – coming out of the pandemic. We all hope that’s very soon! The changes also offered an opportunity for the City to add new focus to how we manage heritage assets and programs, including our museums and Civic Collection and...
A Zoning Bylaw is a powerful planning tool, permitted and passed under Section 34 of the Province’s Planning Act. It’s a separate document from the City’s Official Plan (OP) and serves as an implementation tool that puts the OP’s general policies into specific regulations that are required to be met when developing or using a property. While the Zoning Bylaw must conform with the policies of...
City planning can be a complicated process. From where homes and services are located to what business uses are permitted, the planning process is constantly working behind the scenes to organize and structure your City. The outcomes of the planning process impact all of Kingston’s residents. The City plans within a 25-year time horizon. Depending on the project, a building or new...
On May 21, 2019, Council passed an interim control bylaw within the Williamsville Main Street Corridor to prohibit intensified uses, and directed staff to complete a land use planning study specifically clarifying where taller buildings or intensification greater than that permitted by the existing zoning bylaw can be supported. The interim control bylaw was initially passed for a period of one...
I haven’t done a new blog post since April.  It’s been busy (to say the least).  But, in addition to navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, I am also negotiating my new position as Commissioner of Community Services announced in early 2020.  My portfolio includes Building & Enforcement, Planning Services, Rideaucrest Long-Term Care and will eventually include Recreation &...

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<strong>Paige Agnew</strong>
Paige Agnew
Commissioner of Community Services
613-546-4291, ext. 3252

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