Official Plan

Nested Applications


Content - Business - Planning - Official Plan

The Official Plan is the document in which the City sets out its land use planning goals and policies that guide physical development, protection of natural and cultural heritage, resource management, and necessary supporting infrastructure. The Plan recognizes that the City is made up of a wide variety of urban, suburban, agricultural and rural land uses as well as a number of defining environmental features. It serves as the blueprint for how the City will grow over the next 20 years and will assist in making Kingston Canada's most sustainable city. The Official Plan also provides a framework for establishing the City’s zoning bylaw to set local regulations and standards, for example, those related to how land or buildings are used, where buildings can be located, the height of buildings, etc.

The Official Plan for the City of Kingston came into effect on January 27, 2010.

Official Plan Amendment Number 50, being the five-year update of the Official Plan, came into effect on August 29, 2017.

The December 1, 2022 consolidated version of the Official Plan includes all approvals and modifications made to the Plan after January 27, 2010 up to and including November 30, 2022. 

This consolidation has been prepared for convenience. For precise reference to any policies or map schedules contained within the Plan, please consult Planning Services at 613-546-4291, extension 3180.

This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact the City at 613-546-0000 or

Questions can be directed to Sukriti Agarwal, manager of policy planning at or 613-546-4291 ext. 3217.

Content - Business - Planning - Official Plan Docs

Content - Business - Planning - Official Plan FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Please select a heading from the following menu for further information:

What is an Official Plan?

The Official Plan is the document in which the City of Kingston sets out its land use planning goals and policies that guide:

  • physical development and redevelopment,
  • protection of natural and cultural heritage,
  • resource management, and
  • necessary supporting infrastructure.

This Official Plan repeals and replaces the former City of Kingston Official Plan, and the Township of Kingston and Pittsburgh Township Official Plans, except for specified secondary plans.

The Planning Act requires that municipalities in Ontario adopt an Official Plan that is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement.  It is intended to guide development in Kingston until 2036, but will be reviewed every five years in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act and may be amended by the City to reflect changing circumstances or new priorities for resource protection, growth or redevelopment.

What is contained within an Official Plan?

The Official Plan consists of both written policy and attached maps. It is organized into 10 main sections.

  • Overview;
  • Strategic Policy Direction;
  • Land Use Designations and Policy;
  • Infrastructure and Transportation;
  • Protection of Health and Safety;
  • The Environment and Energy;
  • Cultural Heritage and Archaeology;
  • Urban Design;
  • Administration and Implementation; and
  • Specific Policy Area and Secondary Plans.

The Plan is organized to move from fundamental and broadly-based planning principles, and strategic policy approaches of the City to the more specific land use policies, resource and utility policies, implementation tools, and then to secondary plans and specific policy areas, which are more detailed provisions for specific geographic areas of the City.

Why should the City have an Official Plan?

The Official Plan is the main tool for ensuring that future development and redevelopment are properly managed and directed to appropriate locations within the municipality.  Without an Official Plan, the municipality could experience haphazard development, resulting in higher service costs and increased property taxes.  In addition, many day-to-day problems would result from conflicting land uses that could create unacceptable living and working conditions.

Does the Official Plan affect you?

Yes, the Official Plan affects every City of Kingston resident. The Plan determines where new houses, stores, industries, schools, parks, and other land uses will be built; protects our natural environment; and directs the construction of new services such as sewers, watermains and roads.

What is an Official Plan amendment?

Sometimes due to new conditions in the community or a proposed development, an Official Plan may need to be changed or 'amended'. An Official Plan amendment is a Bylaw passed by City Council. An amendment may seek to change the land use designation of a property and/or apply new policies to that property as part of a proposed development or expansion to an existing use that is not allowed under the existing Official Plan. An Official Plan amendment may also require other approvals before the development can take place such as a Zoning Bylaw amendment. Although Official Plans must be approved by the Provincial Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, City Council has been granted authority to approve Official Plan amendments. With Official Plan amendments, the applicant must be able to show City Council that the proposed development meets the City's long-term plans for the area and is compatible with surrounding land uses.

How is an Official Plan amended?

The process for amending an Official Plan is made up of the following 11 steps:

Step 1 - Consult with Planning Staff

You should discuss your plans with City planning staff before you submit the application. A planner will:

  • Confirm whether an Official Plan amendment is necessary
  • Provide initial comments on your proposed development
  • Outline information that will be needed to support your application
  • Confirm whether other approvals will also be required

The planner may also suggest that other city departments such as the engineering department and/or Utilities Kingston be consulted before you submit the application to determine if there are any development issues or concerns.

Step 2 - Submit the Application

After you have consulted with city staff, you will need to submit the following to the planning department:

  • A completed application for Official Plan amendment through the City's DASH portal
  • A planning rationale that describes and justifies your proposed development. It is recommended that a professional planner be retained to prepare the planning rationale on your behalf.
  • Application fee

Applications will not be accepted if incomplete or inaccurate information is provided. Once the application has been received, you will be sent a letter advising you of the planner who will be responsible for your application.

Step 3 - Application Review

The planner will send out a notice to interested parties requesting to receive notification that your application has been received. The application will also be provided to other city departments and outside agencies for review and comment.

Step 4 - Public Meeting Report to the Planning Committee

Once the application review is completed, it will be considered by the planning committee, which is one of the standing committees of City Council. A public meeting report to the planning committee will be prepared by the planner. This report will include a description of the subject lands, a summary of the proposed development and an outline of the regulations and policies that relate to the application such as those in the Official Plan and the Provincial Policy Statement.

Step 5 - Notice of Public Meeting

Once the public meeting report has been prepared, a statutory public meeting at the planning committee needs to be scheduled to consider your application. This public meeting will also consider other development approval requirements for your application, such as Zoning Bylaw amendments, should they be required. A 'Notice of Public Meeting' will be posted on the City's website and published in the Kingston Whig Standard as well as mailed to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject lands and to other interested parties requesting to receive notification at least 20 days before the meeting date. In addition to these notices and depending on the nature of your application, you may also be required to install signage on the subject lands that notifies the public about this meeting.

Step 6 - Public Meeting

The planning committee typically meets on the first and third Thursday of every month. Public meetings generally start at 6:30 p.m. and are held prior to the regular meeting of the planning committee. At the public meeting, you or someone on your behalf will make a presentation describing your proposed development and the reasons for the Official Plan amendment. At this point any interested party may make written submissions to the planning committee or appear before the committee to comment on your application. Once all public input has been received, you will have an opportunity to respond to the comments. After this, the public meeting will be closed.

Step 7 - Comprehensive Report to the Planning Committee

The planner will collect all of the comments made at the public meeting and prepare a comprehensive report. This report will include an analysis of the proposed development, a discussion of the issues raised at the public meeting and a recommendation on whether your application should be approved or rejected. If the comprehensive report recommends approval of your application, a draft of the proposed Bylaw to amend the Official Plan will also be included.

Step 8 - Regular Meeting of the Planning Committee

Based on the planner's comprehensive report and the comments made at the public meeting, your application will be considered during a future regular meeting of the planning committee. The planning committee will then prepare its recommendation to City Council to approve your application with or without changes, reject your application or defer its decision until additional information is received.

Step 9 - City Council Meeting

During a City Council meeting, Council may adopt the planning committee's recommendation, amend it, reject it or refer it back to the planning committee for further information. If your application is approved by City Council, the bylaw to adopt the Official Plan amendment will be given three readings at that City Council meeting.

Step 10 - Notice of Adoption

After City Council approves an Official Plan amendment, a 'Notice of Adoption' will be sent by the City Clerk within 15 days of Council's decision pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act. This notice will include information on the Bylaw to adopt the Official Plan amendment and will provide a 20 day period within which an appeal of the Bylaw may be made to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. Any person with an interest in the matter may appeal the decision of City Council to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal provided that they made a presentation at the public meeting or provided a written submission prior to the decision being made.

Step 11 - Approval

If no appeals to the bylaw are received, the city clerk will issue a declaration that no appeals were filed and that the Official Plan amendment has come into effect. If the bylaw is appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, the final decision regarding approval or rejection of your application will be made following a hearing process.

How long does it take to amend an Official Plan?

After your application has been submitted, it will normally take four to six months to process the application to the stage where a recommendation can be made by City Council. The approval process may be longer for applications that propose major developments, deal with complex supporting information or extensive public input or require additional development approvals such as a Zoning Bylaw Amendment (note that if a Zoning Bylaw Amendment is also required, there may be an opportunity for the City to deal with both the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment applications at the same time). If an application is appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, the hearing process will add time to the approval procedure as well.

Image - Business - Planning - Official Plan

Official Plan Cover image

Image - General - Dash


Planning Notices

Public Notice - Planning Committee - April 7, 2022

March 29, 2022 -

Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

This will be a virtual meeting. Details around how to view and participate in the meeting are available on the City’s website at

The City of Kingston planning committee will meet to discuss the matter listed below beginning at 6:00 p.m.

Public & Regular Meeting

New Zoning Bylaw Project and Central Kingston Growth Strategy – D14-043-2016, D09-004-2021 & D09-005-2021

Proposed new city-wide Zoning Bylaw, proposed amendments to the Official Plan and a new Cash-in-Lieu of Parking Bylaw.

For additional planning applications, complete notices and agendas visit:

For more information regarding the above or to see the status of development applications in Kingston visit:

Dated at Kingston, Ontario
This 29th day of March, 2022

Tim Park, Director
Planning Services


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