Frequently Asked Questions

Nested Applications


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Does my home qualify for the Better Homes Kingston Program?

You can find all the eligibility criteria on the Better Homes Kingston Program page.

What measures are eligible through the program?

You can find a non-exhaustive list of eligible retrofits here. If you have questions, or you don’t see the project you’re interested in pursuing listed, contact our Energy Coach.

How long do I have to repay the loan?

The loan can be paid back over a five to twenty-year period, depending on the useful life of the upgrades installed. You also have the option to pay the loan back as quickly as you choose, without penalty.  

How is a property loan different from a personal loan?

The loan you will receive through the Better Homes Kingston Program is tied to your property, and not your individual credit rating. That means that if you sell your home, the new owner will take on the repayment of the loan – and also all the energy savings gained. This reduces the risk to you of investing in a property you may only own for a shorter period of time. You’ll get all the energy savings gains while you live there, and when you move, the payments (and gains) transfer to the new owner.

What is the interest rate on the loan?

The Better Homes Kingston Loans are zero interest.

What if I don’t need a loan, but I am still interested in Implementing energy upgrades to my home?

You can still qualify for Better Homes Kingston incentives, without receiving loan funding.

How is the value of my home assessed?

Your value is based on your Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) assessment. You can find this value on your most recent property tax bill or online using the Property Evaluation and Tax Levy Lookup tool.

Where can I find my tax roll number?

Your tax roll number (sometimes called an assessment number) is on the top left corner of your property tax bill.

Can I apply for the Better Homes Kingston Program more than once?

Yes, you can apply for the loan for multiple properties provided you are the property owner of each home. You will be required to apply for each property separately and meet all requirements for each.

What happens if I do not complete all the work I planned?

Only the completed work and submitted receipts will be eligible for the final the loan amount.

Is there a minimum loan amount I am eligible for?

No. There is no minimum loan amount, and you are not required to take a loan from the City, but you are required to meet a minimum of 20per cent GHG emissions performance improvement for fuel heating systems (fuel oil, natural gas and propane), or 20per cent reduction energy consumption for electrically heated homes to qualify for our incentives. Furthermore, the incentive amount will not exceed the project cost in any case, the lesser being the maximum.

What if after the retrofits are completed on my home, I do not meet the minimum 20 per cent reduction in GHG emissions?

Not to fear. By working with our trusted and trained Energy Coaches, and contractors who have been trained on the latest foundations of building science, your home will operate more efficiently and there will be a GHG reduction.

What is the minimum number of upgrades I need to complete in order to be eligible for the property loan?

There is no minimum number of upgrades required. If air sealing is recommended, we will recommend you complete this before any other measures.

Can I apply to other energy-saving programs?

The City encourages applicants to review third-party energy savings programs including, Canada Greener Homes Grant, Enbridge Gas, Utilities Kingston, Hydro One etc. the Better Homes Kingston Energy Coach will help you to maximize your overall impact and incentives from your retrofit project.

Energy efficiency measures that are eligible under the Better Homes Kingston Program may also be eligible for rebates from your utility’s provider. You can decide whether any third-party rebates or other incentives received will be deducted from the financing advanced by the City.

What if I want to borrow more to complete all the retrofits I have planned for my home?

You may be eligible for up to $40,000 or 10per cent of the value of your property, through the Better Homes Kingston Program. You are welcome to apply for other rebates and incentive programs. Speak to an Energy Coach about other rebate and incentive programs, and how they might be stacked to help you realize the biggest savings on your home energy retrofit.

How do I know which retrofit will be the most effective in lowering my energy use and GHG emissions?

To be eligible for the Better Homes Kingston Program, you will need to have a home energy evaluation by a registered energy advisor. Once the evaluation is complete, your coach will provide you with a Recommended Upgrade Report, which will tell you the measures that will save you energy. The Energy Coach will provide recommendations for your home, and the best process for undertaking the upgrades.  You will also receive ongoing support from your Energy Coach, at no additional cost. They can assist you when getting quotes from contractors and making big decisions regarding your retrofits.

I own a heritage property. Does this impact the sorts of retrofits I can implement?

If your property is designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, owners will need to apply for a heritage permit prior to undertaking any exterior work. It’s best to contact Heritage Planning staff to discuss how energy efficiency measures can be completed sensitively to ensure that any important attributes of the property will be protected and that any impacts on its cultural heritage value can be mitigated. There may be some creative solutions to allow for energy improvements and restoration together.

To determine if your property has heritage status, owners can consult the City’s Heritage Properties Register or contact