Artist rendition of the bridge

Construction Mitigation


Any significant infrastructure project involves some disruption to residents. Construction mitigation measures will be in place in accordance with the conditions described in the approved Federal Detailed Impact Assessment. The following details some of the mitigation measures that may be used during the construction phase of the project.

Noise: The following measures will be used to minimize and address construction noise impacts.

  • Installation of permanent noise fences are planned on the east and west shores. Permanent noise fences were designed with higher acoustic attenuation quality than temporary construction barriers, which means a greater reduction in noise to surrounding residents throughout construction.
  • Equipment will be equipped with broadband back-up alarms that are much quieter than regular back-up alarms that traditionally have the 'beep' 'beep' noise. The broadband back-up alarm will diminish the noise level significantly.

Dust: The following requirements and best management practices have been created and will be used to limit dust.

  • An Air Quality and Dust Management Plan has been developed which will monitor dust and implement measures when required.
  • Equipment idling will be limited
  • Dust emissions from materials will be controlled through covering rock piles and trucks when practical
  • Water will be used to wet ground surfaces that will help in keeping dust out of the air, when required  
  • Vehicle and equipment speeds will be controlled and monitored
  • The site road and adjacent streets will be cleaned as needed

Erosion and sediment control: Erosion and sediment control plans will be implemented and there will be frequent monitoring to protect surface waters, adjacent ecosystems and wildlife.

Archaeological/cultural resource protection

For the construction phase, we will continue to undertake archaeological and heritage investigations. Any unexpected archaeological finds will be reported to the appropriate agencies.

Traffic disruptions

Measures will be taken to minimize the impact of construction on the travelling public. We are committed to the following measures to minimize disruptions that may be experienced:

  • Maintain use of City approved Haul Routes to and from the project site
  • alert nearby residents and businesses of temporary traffic disruptions in advance, when possible
  • provide signage to alert drivers and pedestrians of closures or detours.

Communication during construction

We are committed to ensuring that communication with the public is maintained during construction so that community concerns are addressed as quickly as possible. Residents will receive notifications of upcoming work, and regular progress updates.

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