Artist rendition of the bridge

Detailed Impact Assessment 2019

Parks Canada is the federal government land manager for the Rideau Canal, including the section of the Cataraqui River in which the Third Crossing is being built. As the project proponent, the City of Kingston was responsible to complete a Detailed Impact Assessment (DIA) which is the most extensive form of federal environmental regulatory review. The DIA report considers the potential effects on each of the environmental components and the mitigation measures to be used to reduce or eliminate any adverse effects and the potential for residual impacts. The DIA also considers any pre-construction, during construction and post-construction monitoring requirements that the project team will do to support the proposed mitigation strategies.

Below are a series of documents that make up the DIA. Documents that describe the construction methods, design, mitigation measures, public and Indigenous Peoples Consultation and more. Final documents are at the top and draft documents are below. 

DIA Summary

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