Artist rendition of the bridge

Preliminary Design Report 2017

Preliminary Design Summary Report


  1. Sustainability Charrette Feedback Report - Feedback Report on a charrette focusing on available sustainable design, construction and operations options for the bridge.
  2. Parks Canada Detailed Impact Analysis (DIA) Scoping Document - Scoping guidelines for the Preparation, Construction, Restoration, and Operation of the Third Crossing.
  3. Natural Environment Assessment Report - Assesses natural heritage features within the bridge corridor as well as project impacts and mitigation measures.
  4. Cultural Heritage Protection and Enhancement Plan Report - Assesses cultural heritage features within the bridge corridor as well as project impacts and mitigation measures.
  5. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report - Identifies former or current practices within the bridge corridor that may present issues of actual or potential environmental concern.
  6. Excess Soil and Sediment Management Report - Describes soil and sediment sampling fieldwork results within the bridge corridor.
  7. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Factual Data Report - Describes geotechnical fieldwork results within the bridge corridor.
  8. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Design Report - Describes engineering design guidelines for the bridge, based on the geotechnical fieldwork.
  9. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Design Addendum Report - Describes engineering design guidelines for the bridge, based on the geotechnical fieldwork and refined inverted U-frame pier design.
  10. Stormwater Management Report - Describes storm water management provisions for bridge runoff and the approaches.
  11. Natural Heritage Protection and Enhancement Plan Report - Identifies project impacts as well as mitigation, restoration and enhancement measures for the bridge corridor.
  12. Transportation Noise Assessment Report - Assesses effects of transportation noise on sensitive receptors within the bridge corridor and mitigation measures.
  13. In-Air Noise Impact Assessment Report for Birds and Reptiles - Assesses in-air effects of impact pile driving during bridge construction and transportation noise during bridge operations on birds and reptiles.
  14. Underwater Noise Modelling Report of Impact Pile Driving - Assesses underwater effects of impact pile driving during bridge construction on fish, turtles, fish eggs and fish larvae.
  15. Carbon Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - Describes the scope, inputs, analysis, and output of a preliminary, planning level LCA for the construction phase of the bridge.

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